I am home from my sternum biopsy. It went really well. I am surprised about how easy it was and how little discomfort I feel. It was done with a needle about the size of a piece of spaghetti and the doctor guided it by CT scan to make sure he was in the right place.
I was sitting up in the recovery room at Dominican Hospital reading the weekend arts section of the Friday New York Times, one of my favorite sections of the entire week's paper. I brought just the arts section (no news, please) because it has lots of pictures, and I was concerned I might not be focusing my eyes well after anesthesia. One of the nurses questioned me because it looked like I didn't belong there. I explained that I had just had a biopsy and except for that I would be having a very nice morning. The only thing missing was a latte. I said it (half) jokingly, but she went out and got me one! I am most definitely not having a chopped steak moment today.
I should have a result by Monday.
Have a great weekend!