Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Message For My Osteopathic Colleagues

I'm doing so well that I am going ahead and teaching the course that the Cranial Academy scheduled for April. It is in San Mateo, just an hour from my home so I don't have to travel. This is the last course I am going to teach for a while, so if you're waiting for me to return to the east coast or Europe, consider coming now. You can be sure it will be an inspired offering, as I tap into a new place of depth from which to teach. I look forward to sharing this precious time with all of you who are curious and longing to deepen your practice. (This course is only open to Osteopaths, Osteopathic Students, MDs, & Dentists who meet The Cranial Academy’s pre-requisite training standards.)

Deepening Your Osteopathic Perceptual Field:
Experiencing the Phenomena of Primary Respiration
through Continuum Movement

A workshop presented by Bonnie Gintis, DO
April 8-11, 2010 

San Mateo Marriott Hotel
San Mateo, California
 (Free Shuttle available from San Francisco Airport)

As Osteopaths, we are trained to be attentive to other people’s anatomy and physiology, but not to our own. One of the goals of this workshop is to provide this experience, a felt sense of many concepts that are usually only experienced while examining or treating another person. There will be lectures, discussions, and visual presentations to accompany movement, breathing, meditation explorations, and hands-on table sessions. This workshop experience can be valuable both as a form of self-treatment, and as a way to develop and deepen the diagnostic and treatment skills used with patients.

This workshop will utilize the common ground of Continuum Movement and Osteopathy to explore the phenomena of Primary Respiration. Learning to distinguish the “sensory textures” of bone, membrane, nervous system, fluid, and potency, we will experience the relationship between Primary Respiration & secondary respiration, inquire into our Osteopathic sensory and perceptual development, and have the opportunity to express fluidity, vitality, and the potency of our embodied living process.

The goals of this course are:
  • to develop and deepen perceptual, diagnostic, & treatment skills.
  • to explore the phenomena of Primary Respiration experientially.
  • to experience in one’s own body, what is usually only felt while treating another person.
  • to inquire into the possibility of self-treatment.
In this workshop we will explore the creative potential that is available when combining the principles of Osteopathic Treatment and the practice of Continuum Movement. Osteopathy and Continuum are both based on a philosophy that trusts in the deep wisdom of the body to be self-healing when allowed to fully express and freely organize movement. Stepping outside of our preconceived notions and the popular cultural models of what we think of as “the body” we can discover the deep inner world that is an unending resource for healing, adaptability, and change.

Course Fee: $700 Members • $800 Non-members
(for Osteopaths, Osteopathic Students, MDs, & Dentists who meet The Cranial Academy’s pre-requisite training standards.)
22 Hours of 1-A AOA CME Credit is currently pending
For registration contact The Cranial Academy
Register on-line at:
Suggested Reading & Course Material
Engaging The Movement of Life:
Exploring Health & Embodiment Through Osteopathy & Continuum

by Bonnie Gintis, D.O.
Book is available through The Cranial Academy, your local bookstore, or